Colleen Oakes


Teacher of Children with Visual Impairments

Colleen Oakes is ASAPC’s TVI (Teacher of the Visually Impaired) and one busy lady, as she is the early intervention vision specialist working for not only ASAPC but also three other Early Intervention agencies in Pierce County. Every day is different and never boring. She usually does monthly co-sessions with another provider offering the family the best wrap-around services. Colleen loves the whole collaboration not only with her colleagues from different disciplines but with the caregivers as well because she constantly learns from the process. “The babies are always inspiring, but the caregivers are also amazing. I love when caregivers start to feel more joy as they gain confidence.” 

When Colleen is not working with four agencies, visits her adult children who are living their best lives, one in Phoenix and the other in Los Angeles. Colleen also volunteers at the MaST Center aquarium facility of Highline College and has her certification as a marine naturalist. More recently, she has had the unique opportunity to interact with Coral, the Giant Pacific Octopus before her release back into the Puget Sound in October 2022. “I’m hoping to learn more about creating inclusive, accessible experiences for people to learn about the ocean environment.” 

TeachersAnna Osgoodby